Monday, May 26, 2008

Don't forget to have a good time...

They say it takes more muscles to frown then it does to smile ( and there for awhile I couldn't seem to find my smile... I think it's back. :-)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vitamin D

My friend Olivia says "My Freckles live in Florida." I seriously think she needs to turn this into a T-shirt cause it's true. I think this needs to be a mass print and not just the airbrushed kind she had made at that festival that said "I heart Mike Webb" although that shirt was cool on so many other levels.  Sighs... I type this as it pours down rain in Nashville and the weather widget on my mac informs me it's sunny and 81 there and I bet Sprinkles still has that Lime sorbet... How is it that I walked/ran 3 miles everyday there and here I can barely make it to the mailbox and back... I taste that key lime butter grouper, hear sting chanting on the lawn,  and I am still laughing about the pink kayak and wonder how a person is suppose to get back into that thing once you fall out...or maybe that's it you just can't fall out? Maybe there is no reset button. Well I know one thing for sure my reset button and my freckles both live in florida. Thanks Liv!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

They can't all be happy endings.

My friend Hilary has had 22 surgery's in the past 2 years.  She is currently stuck in a wheelchair while she recovers. However this blog is not about her amazing story (she will need to be the one to tell that) I just want to tell you about a movie she picked out for us to watch "the diving bell and the butterfly...the "true" story of jean do bauby.  so after seeing the movie I order the book for two reasons 1. I figure if a man can blink his book out one letter at a time I can find time to read his book. 2. let's hear the real story. Movies always make changes to what they think "we" as and audience will want to see. How messed up is that. Take Nicholas Sparks books for example when they take his books and turn them into movies they change the endings... I've stopped watching...Life isn't always a happy ending.