Saturday, June 28, 2008

Learning to Listen...

My friend Maggie hooked me up with a wonderful church when I lived in Chicago. I loved the messages, the pastor always made me laugh. I haven't lived in Chicago since 2000. I really haven't taken the time to seek out a church since. My excuse is lame to busy just not enough time. My good friend Snelly made a remark about this pastors blog and how she thought she might want to check out his church. I surprised myself and said what are you doing tomorrow let's go. *steps back* wait did I just volunteer to go to church. The girl who was brought up on Jimmy Swaggart and raised Assembly of God. Who was required to clean her room and go to church on Wednesday and Sunday AM/PM if she wanted to go roller skating on Friday nights. Really just said what what are you doing tomorrow let's go. So...we went to crosspoint and something happened. The pastor made me laugh. (He also made me cry but don't you dare tell anyone that!) The lesson was simple yet complex. He even used a vending machine as prop. (I find myself wanting peanut m&m's) Don't pray like God is a vending machine and pick out what you want and walk away. Learn to Listen. He asked everyone to think of the first word you associate with the word Pray. My word was release. I needed a reminder, I didn't know I was missing anything but I stopped to Listen and guess what... I guess I needed me some God. :) *Thanks Snelly* P.S. I also stopped at the CVS and got me some peanut m&m's.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Avoiding your Destiny 101

I have been running my whole life... I haven't spent more then 2 years in one home. It wasn't always that way I had one house growing up (dad still lives there) At age 17 I left that house and moved to Lumberton, NC to complete my Junior year. I really haven't stopped moving since. I hit the two year mark and off I go. Most people are weary of change and I embrace it. I actually thrive off it. So I find myself looking at October 2008, it marks two years in the 704 square feet mansion I bought in Nashville. So I have started looking at houses in *insert city* as it was time to run. Then I realized something while watching of all things Kung Fu was the power of the IMAX effect or something but the wise old turtle Oogway borrows an old french proverb "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." jaw to the ground. what. So all this "running" all this time... I turn 35 in October and as gift to myself I will embrace the two year mark feet grounded with a happy heart and a home filled with love.