Sunday, June 6, 2010

healthy boundaries...

People tell me things... People who don't even know me tell me things. Personal things. Life things. The cashier at Kroger felt the need to tell me she had her nails done for Prom. All I did was smile and say they looked nice and the next ten items or less scans I learned her prom date had not only bailed on her but knocked up this other girl and is now going to marry her. My response at least you found out now and let's face it they'll be divorced in a year and if he comes crawling back to you do yourself a favor and just say no.

The stranger danger factor is easy for me to shake... They don't corner me at my desk, they don't have my cell phone number so when I walk away it's done. 

However and I really hope this isn't going to turn into a "you're so vain you probably think this song is about you moment." as YOU are not the only person who dumps on me and YOU need to realize this post is not about YOU it's about ME. I'm sick of the he said-she said-but you said- and why don't you say- perhaps I sound selfish but at what point do I stand up and say enough. Look I get it you don't like them well guess what they don't like you and as little as I want to hear you talk about them on the flip I want to hear it even less from them and at the end of that day... and yeah I think you got handed the short end of the stick on that deal but holding onto that negativity isn't helping anyone and honestly I don't care. I think at one point in my life I really did and I really wanted to fix - to repair - to maintain... I'm finally to a point in my life that I can walk away. I need to learn healthy boundaries. I need to learn to say enough. To learn it's not my fight... and at the end of the day you've never once asked me... you just want to tell me to feed to your own ego. Go spew your negative energy somewhere else I have a LIFE to live. :o) 

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."